Actress Yoon Seung-ah reported on her diet progress.
On the 23rd, a video titled "Delicious and healthy slow-aging diet and snacks" was uploaded on the 'Seung-aroun' channel.
On this day, Yoon Seung-ah said, "Today, I am going to introduce the groceries I ate a lot during the diet," and added, "I tend to consistently upload diet content. There is a bit of an off season when I am exercising. There are times when I can't exercise due to lack of time, and during these times, it seems that I can maintain myself while losing weight, and it doesn't seem like I lose weight just because I am parenting. Rather, there are temptations from these kids, and I really don’t snack, but I've found myself snacking for some time now. Usually, I put them to bed and have a cheat day."
He mentioned, "So looking at it, the diet is the most important, but especially the weight shows a slight difference depending on dinner. I tend to eat a lot for breakfast. I have a heavy breakfast by my standards, but I think I eat a lot of clean raw foods. I tend to eat grilled beef tenderloin, sweet potatoes, and a lot of bananas and fruits for breakfast, and for lunch, I eat whatever I want. I don't discriminate by type. I eat Chinese food and a lot of Korean food at home, but for dinner, I mostly eat bananas and milk."
He continued, "On days when I want to indulge myself, I eat dinner at 4 to 5 p.m. I eat then and digest sufficiently. General meals seem a bit off. I might have salad, and yesterday I craved tacos too much and ended up eating tacos. Even if I eat one, I can’t eat them all. Just half. Since that becomes habitual, if I eat too much at dinner, my stomach hurts and I can’t sleep well, and I feel most comfortable sleeping when I just eat a banana."
Yoon Seung-ah noted, "Eating like this helps me maintain my weight, and when I only eat bananas for dinner, I definitely lose about 100 grams every day. And recently, I've been going to kindergarten with the cutest kid at home, and I naturally lost weight because of that. Since I go to kindergarten with them, my weight has now become the number I had been looking forward to: 47kg. It feels a bit good, and I start to think about what all my dieting has been for. I sometimes post my diet on Instagram and YouTube, as breakfast is the easiest to take pictures of, so I want to share that with many fans who are curious about my groceries."
Afterwards, Yoon Seung-ah introduced the 'slow-aging' ingredients she uses for her diet. She emphasized, "Now it's spring, right? (You can't) hide it. In autumn and winter, I could hide it under a jacket, but now I need to get back to regular exercise and diet rigorously. But really, doing both is necessary to lose weight. I don't think just doing one will work. I think it’s essential to do aerobic exercise. Doing just gyrotonic ballet pilates is definitely slow. I recommend that you pair aerobic exercise with it."
She then said, "I need to meet and greet you, everyone, outside, and let’s try to make it so we can talk about how we’ve lost weight together. Recently, it's been so nice to see that there are people who’ve started exercising with 'Seung-aroun' according to the comments. So, I think this content will be even more helpful. Then, let’s meet up when we have gotten slim."
[Photo] Seung-aroun