Comedian Song Pil-geun reflected on his battle with necrotizing pancreatitis.

On the 22nd, a video titled "Just a moment! Let's listen to a song by Pil-geun!!" was uploaded to the 'Kkondaehee' channel.

On this day, comedians Park Eun-young and Song Pil-geun appeared as guests in the 'Let's eat' segment. During a meal, Kim Dae-hee mentioned, "I was really surprised when I heard the news about his illness from an article two or three years ago."

Earlier, Song Pil-geun had shared his current situation while being hospitalized for necrotizing pancreatitis in February 2023, evoking sympathy. He recalled, "Necrotizing pancreatitis is a type of pancreatitis with many options attached. It's an expensive condition. It's a serious one. It's rare, but the pancreas melts away. The pain is immense. When an organ melts away, it is real. It feels like there is hydrochloric acid inside me all the time. There's nothing I can do about it."

He continued, "Moreover, the pancreas is located at the back, so lying down hurts even more. I couldn't stay in any position. I had to endure like this, but when the organ starts to melt away, even painkillers don’t work well. It lasts about five minutes? Then the pain comes back again. It was a hospital life with a lot of sudden pains. I spent four months in the hospital. Over those four months, I lost 35 kg."

Park Eun-young said, "At that time, we were colleagues, but I didn’t know it was that painful due to pancreatitis. I thought it would be fine just to release it after being ill for a while, but he said he almost died."

Song Pil-geun revealed, "The normal inflammation level is up to 0.5. Mine was 36 and remained high for two to three months. Later on, the doctor didn't tell me directly, but called my wife separately to say that the chance of going into septic shock tonight was very high. The fact that he didn't tell me shows how serious it was. I heard later that the doctor said I had a very high chance of going into septic shock that night."

He said, "At that time, an article came out. After seeing the article, senior Kim Dae-hee sent me an expensive beef set, saying, 'I found out from the article.' But I can’t eat beef with pancreatitis. The pancreas is what digests meat. It was just a joke." In response, Kim Dae-hee, shocked, replied, "That person is really something else. If he really knew and sent that, we should bury him so badly that he can't even set foot in this country. Let's take him down now." This caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Song Pil-geun said, "Anyway, senior Kim Dae-hee took care of me, and I truly feel that I realize how many grateful people I have around me when I experience illness. When you get married, people come to celebrate, right? But if I die, who will come to my funeral? After going through this experience, I can see who is looking after and worrying about me. I realize I need to take care of others while living. Death feels like it's something that can come at any time, even tomorrow."

He added, "Nowadays, there's really no need to worry. When comedians perform, they should not incite sympathy. They should be enjoyable and cheerful. I have been saying that it's been over a year since I was declared fully recovered, and I’m currently very healthy. I maintain my health by studying and exercising every day, and I even call my fans 'Pancreatitis pals.'" He amazed everyone with his complete recovery.

[Photo] Kkondaehee