The story of the 'Change Couple' will be revealed in 'Marriage Hell.'

In 'Oh Eun-young's Report – Marriage Hell,' airing tomorrow (24th) at 10:45 p.m., the episode features a wife who constantly desires love and a husband who finds her annoying. The 'Change Couple' makes an appearance. During their dating days, the husband won the wife's heart with his enthusiastic courtship, leading to their marriage, but now he says, "I'm tired of my wife" and claims his love has faded. There is even a shocking fact that he has told the children, "I don't love Mom." When the MCs ask if he is serious, he gives a vague answer, saying, "There was some level of feeling." In contrast, the wife states that she applied for the segment because she wants to live happily with her husband like they did during their dating days.

The husband, who works on construction sites, is unable to go to work due to consecutive heavy snowfalls and starts the day with his wife. Unlike the husband, who wants to be alone, the wife, who wants to do everything together, keeps calling out, "Honey~." While preparing dinner, when she asks him to at least help with the dishes, he passes the ball without looking. The wife expresses her desire to spend time together doing parenting and housework but feels disappointed by the husband's actions, which always prioritize his alone time. However, the husband, saying his own needs are prioritized over the family, claims that sacrificing for the family feels burdensome. He shares his grievances, stating that even though he fulfills everything his wife wants, he feels unappreciated.

The wife points out that she finds the husband's consistently annoying tone when dealing with the children unacceptable. In the observational footage, the husband can be seen roughly washing their son's body and using a coercive tone to urge him to eat quickly. As a result, the youngest son eats hurriedly, revealing his discomfort by saying, "Dad talks to me like he’s tormenting me."

The wife claims that the children are wary of their father because of his irritating tone. However, contrary to expectations, when the counselor asks, "Who is the closest person at home?" the eldest daughter immediately responds, "Dad." Unlike her behavior of tiptoeing around her mother's mood all day, she is seen playfully teasing her father, revealing an unexpected situation where she feels more uncomfortable around her mother than her father.

Doctor Oh Eun-young suggested that the husband might feel unfair for not receiving good remarks even when he fulfills his wife's requests, sparking viewer curiosity with this unexpected remark. The couple's marriage life shows twists and turns. Doctor Oh Eun-young's healing report for the 'Change Couple' will be available in the 115th episode of 'Oh Eun-young's Report – Marriage Hell' on March 24, Monday, at 10:45 p.m.

[Photo] MBC