Kim Dae-ho introduced himself as a celebrity.

The 21st broadcast of MBC's 'I Live Alone' showed the daily life of Kim Dae-ho, who is living after declaring himself free.

Kim Dae-ho visited a language academy after a long time. He noted, "I really like South America. I enjoy traveling. I think knowing a foreign language would allow me to have a deeper travel experience," stating his desire to learn Spanish.

Kim Dae-ho immediately proceeded with an interview. Starting with a self-introduction for the TES level test, the grammar teacher explained about Kim Dae-ho, saying, "I am an MBC announcer." Upon hearing this, Kim Dae-ho quickly clarified with a flustered expression, "No, I resigned."

The grammar teacher hesitated, asking, "Then what should I do?" Kim Dae-ho confidently replied, "Celebrity." In response, Kian84 added, "It seems like you've already lost your original mind," and Jeon Hyun-moo commented, "This could lead to a celebrity disease," eliciting laughter.

[Photo] MBC 'I Live Alone', OSEN DB