Comedian Park Sung-kwang's wife, Lee Sol-i, has demonstrated body confidence.

On the 22nd, Lee posted several photos on her personal channel with the message, "These days as the weather warms up, my appetite is skyrocketing. It's a weight that stays even when I don't want it to stay."

In the released photos, Lee is seen spending leisurely time at home with her pet dog.

Lee showcased a warm-looking knit and hot pants as 'no makeup' homewear fashion, and even her homewear featured luxurious designer brands, eliciting envy.

In particular, Lee, known to weigh 42 kg, flaunted her smooth legs without any excess fat, drawing admiration and expressing confidence with "It's a weight that stays even when I don't want it to stay."

Meanwhile, Lee Sol-i and Park Sung-kwang got married in August 2020, and they appeared on SBS 'Same Bed, Different Dreams - You Are My Destiny' to share their married life.

[Photo] Lee Sol-i's personal channel