Actress Kim Bo-mi shared unfortunate news just two months after giving birth.

On the 21st, Kim Bo-mi revealed through her social media that her wallet was stolen.

Kim Bo-mi wrote, “Lost my wallet. Cash, cards, ID. Why is today such a bad day for me? I reported it to the police. It’s been filed as theft. If you see a hot pink wallet in Dongtan, please let me know.” She also disclosed the location where she lost the wallet and expressed her feelings, saying, “I think I’ll cry a bit and sleep today.”

Additionally, Kim Bo-mi wrote, “Let’s get it together,” and “I’m trying to forget about losing my wallet. I’m thinking about the good times.” She also posted a photo taken with her husband, ballerino Yoon Jeon-il, captioning it as “the good times.”

Kim Bo-mi gained attention for her role as a young Bok-hee in the film “Sunny.” She married ballerino Yoon Jeon-il in June 2020 and welcomed their first son in December of the same year. She gave birth to their second daughter in January.

[Photo] Kim Bo-mi's SNS.