Comedian Ryu Dam acknowledged past allegations of abusive conduct.
On the 21st, a new video titled "Ryu Dam, who has much to say about abusive conduct," was released on the YouTube channel 'Content Creation Lab.'
On this day, Ryu Dam addressed the allegations regarding the abusive conduct among KBS comedians, stating, "Due to raising twins, I haven't been exposed to many rumors and such, and I thought it was insignificant," and explained why his clarification was delayed.
He continued, "False news circulated, and people believed it as it was. Even my wife asked me, 'Isn't that so?' If I don't talk about it, it solidifies as the truth."
Earlier, Kim Dae-bum and Hwang Hyun-hee, both former KBS 19th recruitment comedians, mentioned in a podcast called 'Sseolbbang' that their senior 18th class had the worst atmosphere. At that time, they emphasized that the initial of the class leader was 'Mr. R,' identifying Ryu Dam as the person.
When asked if he hit his juniors, Ryu Dam admitted, "I did hit them." However, he noted, "The comedians talked harshly, so I understood, but false news started circulating. Even if it was said that juniors were hit somewhere, I was implicated."
Ryu Dam specifically explained about the gathering incident mentioned by comedians Hwang Hyun-hee and Kim Dae-bum, saying, "That was the first and last time I gathered. A senior directed me to gather because Yoo Sang-mu was not liked. Another senior who heard that told me, 'Someone opened a pub in Ilsan, so after the gathering, sell for them.' The building of that pub was new, and there was an empty space next to it. We decided that space as the gathering place."
He added, "There were materials there, so I made the male juniors do push-ups and asked, 'How many do you want to be hit?' Hyun-hee said he couldn't take it because his waist hurt, so I slapped him."
Ryu Dam stated, "But the kids only talk about this much. After that, we went to the pub, drank well, and Hyun-hee even came to my house and drank whiskey before we parted ways," adding, "Our class also gathered the most and faced punishments. So, we decided not to torment (the juniors) at all. The seniors told us to gather, but we didn't and even lied about it."
In conclusion, Ryu Dam expressed, "I want to apologize to Hwang Hyun-hee. It was beyond my will. It was not done out of personal feelings," saying, "Recently, I haven't been in contact with Kim Byung-man."
[Photo] YouTube capture