The YouTube E Channel 'E밥세끼' channel's full-fledged rice escape game mukbang 'Saturdays Are for Eating' has announced the start of Season 2 with a thrilling situation for mukbang YouTuber Hibap, raising heart rates dramatically.

The production team of 'Saturdays Are for Eating (토밥쏜다)2' released a teaser video showing the gathering day with Hibap last month. After the gathering ended, one of the production team members exclaimed, "The bill is really long..." But Hibap confidently headed towards the cash register. As expected, a huge amount of '708,000 won' was revealed.

After paying, the production team presented Hibap with a routine of 'Saturdays Are for Eating' by singing a song and suggesting a roulette spin. They explained, "It's a lucky cashback opportunity where you can win up to 4 times the amount spent by the rice friend," displaying two roulette boards. The first roulette board had 'recover principal' and '2 times' written on it, but the other could choose '4 times', '3 times', and 'lose' at the same probability. The production team noted, "Will it be high risk-high return, or a safe bet?" explaining that if the second roulette board is chosen, they could receive 4 times the dining cost, but if they lost, they wouldn't even recover the principal.

Hibap chose the 'high risk-high return' roulette board without any hesitation. And he confidently said, "If I get 4 times, (the production team) will be in big trouble. It's 2.8 million won... I have this good luck, you know," with a confident expression. Hibap's fate after spinning the roulette will be revealed in 'Saturdays Are for Eating 2'.

Whether the rice friend is buying or Hibap is buying, the full-blown rice escape game mukbang 'Saturdays Are for Eating' is a spin-off of the beloved 'Saturdays Are for Eating'. Mukbang YouTuber Hibap needs to ask citizens he meets on the street to "buy me rice" to find a 'rice friend'. In the meantime, those who bought rice for Hibap received a 'lucky cashback' roulette with 'recover principal', '2 times', and '3 times' written on it, making it a nerve-wracking experience. It will be interesting to see whether Hibap had to pay for the production team’s gathering cost or recover it, as shown in the teaser video.

Once again, Hibap undertakes extreme missions in 'Saturdays Are for Eating' Season 2, which will premiere on April 5 (Sat) at 5 p.m. on the E밥세끼 YouTube channel.

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