MBN has spoken out about concerns regarding the sexual commercialization of children related to the girl group training project "Under Fifteen."

On the 21st, MBN stated in an official position that "MBN takes seriously the concerns from various sectors of our society regarding the new program 'Under Fifteen.'"

They noted, "In this regard, MBN will thoroughly review not only the detailed content of the program but also the broadcasting decision, and we will soon clarify our position from the headquarters."

"Under Fifteen" is an audition program aimed at discovering K-POP prodigies under the age of 15, which fosters and produces a girl group equipped with talent and skills, targeting 59 girls under the age of 15 from more than 70 countries around the world.

The first broadcast was scheduled for the 31st, but concerns about the sexual objectification of children arose after the teaser and trailer release, prompting the broadcaster to thoroughly review the program before clarifying its stance.

[Photo] MBN "Under Fifteen"