'I am SOLO' 25th class Youngsu was seriously mistaken.

On the broadcast of SBS Plus and ENA's entertainment show 'I am SOLO' (hereafter 'I am Solo') on the 19th, the results of the first date selection were revealed, and the first date of 25th class Youngja and Youngsu was depicted.

On this day, the first date selection was conducted in a way where women applied, and men chose. First, Youngsook, who wanted to date Sangcheol, did not receive anyone's choice and ended up eating a lonely meal. Sunja also wanted Sangcheol. He said, “From the first impression, it’s still Sangcheol. It hasn’t changed.” Then Sangcheol came out as Sunja called out. The two were in a situation that related to their first impression and first choice.

In a subsequent interview, Sangcheol revealed, “Sunja 40%, Youngsook 40%, Youngja 20%. If I could go on a date, I would want to try it with Sunja today.”

Soon after meeting Youngsook, who had ended up eating a lonely meal, Sangcheol said, “I mentioned that I have Youngsook as my second choice, and it feels like I created this lonely meal, so I feel guilty. But that doesn’t mean ‘I won’t recognize Youngsook at all.’”

Youngja also wanted Sangcheol. In an interview, she said, “I’m really drawn to him. Initially, I chose Youngcheol, but it seems like he has too many people in his arms.” However, it was not Sangcheol who came out the door, but Youngsu. He muttered, “I don't need anything. I just need to hear one thing.”

In a subsequent interview, Youngsu said, “My heart keeps going. My eyes are continuously drawn to it, and I feel like the ideal type or image Youngja wants is pointing towards me.” He recalled what he mentioned in his previous self-introduction about being “fun, charming, and kind,” and then he added, “I think I am Youngja's one pick.” His complete misunderstanding drew sympathy.

Continuing, Oksoon was chosen by Youngho, Hyunsook was chosen by Youngcheol, and the last contestant, Mikyung, went on a 2-to-1 date with Gwangsoo and Youngsik.

Meanwhile, Youngsu could not hide his embarrassment during his date with Youngja. He turned completely red, and seeing the veins on his forehead, Youngja laughed and said, “What are you embarrassed about?”

After the date, Youngsu said, “It felt almost like we were a couple. That’s how it felt. This was like we were dating. It felt like a ‘I love you' but not really, even if it was just a feeling. It was really great.” Upon seeing this, Defconn sighed, saying, “Someone who has been single since birth has confirmed their participation in the 25th class.”

On the other hand, Youngja remarked, “It was very different. When I saw Youngsu today, he was shy and turned red, and it felt like he didn’t have a light heart. But the only person I am interested in right now is Sangcheol. It was just a feeling when I discovered an unexpected side of him. I don’t see this person as a man.”

[Photo] ‘I am SOLO’ broadcast screen capture