Lu Ching Lai revealed that he felt hurt after his son expressed admiration for another chef.

On the 18th, the TV CHOSUN program "Dad and Me" (hereafter referred to as "Dad and Me") featured chef Lu Ching Lai and his son, Yeomin, who serves as the deputy kitchen manager at his restaurant.

When asked what kind of person he is as a father, Lu Ching Lai said, "I have two sons. I'm approaching 40 soon. I don't know. It's also because I don't know how to communicate well. Living in a way that I never thought about 'Dad Lu Ching Lai,' and I've been living too busily. I thought my family would know and be fine on their own."

Lu Ching Lai's son was working as the deputy kitchen manager at Lu Ching Lai's restaurant. Yeomin introduced himself, saying, "It's been 7 months since I started working with my father as Deputy Director General." Yeomin honestly stated about "Chef Lu Ching Lai," "I never thought that other chefs were cool while cooking. (Lu Ching Lai) is really cool. As I have recently been working together, I have a desire to be acknowledged." About "Dad Lu Ching Lai," he said, "I want to get closer and get to know him better."

Lu Ching Lai noted that it was the first time he saw Yeomin working and said, "It seems like he's doing well. I felt a bit hurt when my son said he admires other chefs. I think it's because he hasn't worked with me yet."

The two focused on preparing for service without saying a word in the kitchen. Yeomin explained, "We hardly talk. We only share issues that arise in the restaurant."

Finally, the service began, and the kitchen was busy preparing food. Lu Ching Lai showed an annoyed expression when something was not prepared properly, and Yeomin was busy trying to gauge his father's mood. Yeomin expressed a slightly disappointed feeling, saying, "No matter what efforts I make, Chef doesn't know much. The actions I've taken aren't meant for him to recognize. Even if he does, nothing will change."

[Photo] TV CHOSUN 'Dad and Me'