Yeomin expressed jealousy toward Park Eun-young.

On the broadcast of TV CHOSUN's 'Dad and I' on the 18th, chef Lu Ching Lai and his son Yeomin, who serves as a sous chef at his restaurant, appeared.

Park Eun-young prepared Hong Kong cuisine, Lohei, for Lu Ching Lai. The two continued a warm conversation like a real father and son, and Yeomin, who was watching from the side, left the room feeling uncomfortable.

Yeomin, who had not even watched the cooking process, was oblivious as Lu Ching Lai remained around Park Eun-young while she was cooking, and even made the remark to Park Eun-young, "Have Yeomin ask you to do it."

Yeomin candidly confessed, "I think of a teacher as someone from whom I receive knowledge and techniques, and I learn from that person. I have never thought of anyone as my teacher."

Lu Ching Lai remarked, "It is shocking. I thought it would come naturally. I, too, never had anyone to teach me how to cook. I learned by watching. However, if Park Eun-young wants something, she persistently says, 'Please teach me this.' She researches everything she wants to know. Generally, people find it bothersome to ask, and no one answers."

[Photo] TV CHOSUN's 'Dad and I'