Actor Ha Jung-woo discussed casting in a project.

On the 16th, a video titled "We never laugh when people are funny," featuring Ha Jung-woo and Park Byung-eun, was released on the YouTube channel 'Fairy Jae-hyung.'

Park Byung-eun and Ha Jung-woo had a lot in common. Ha Jung-woo said, "Our school had very strict rules, but Park Byung-eun was New York style. He didn't fit in. He was a very funny guy and a unique person. I was impressed watching him in a play. After graduating, I became close to him while going around for auditions."

Park Byung-eun said, "About 20 years ago, I ran into him on my way to an audition. There were many instances from 'The King of Comedy.' When I was in school, I really went around alone. I heard I would get into trouble for fishing at the school lake and even heard I might get expelled."

After about 20 years of an obscure career, Park Byung-eun reached his current position. He said, "Even though I got my first leading role, it felt like just entering another project. I didn't feel exceptionally happy or anything. Because I had to take off my top for the project, I started personal training for the first time. I couldn't really build my body. People around me said congratulations, but I felt the same regardless of whether the project was big or small. I didn't feel particularly nervous or anything."

Park Byung-eun said, "I believe that if the people around me do well, I can also do well and can guide them. Even while seeing the people around me become famous and establish themselves, I thought, 'That's great.'"

In response, Ha Jung-woo said, "When I met Park Byung-eun during 'The Yellow Sea' or 'War on Crime,' he seemed relaxed. I couldn't tell what he was really thinking, but he seemed relaxed. Looking back, Park Byung-eun had a huge impactful role in 'The Yellow Sea,' and it was the same in 'War on Crime.' He was always in memorable roles."

Ha Jung-woo cast Park Byung-eun in 'Lobby,' which he directed. He said, "I cast him while we were hanging out. I found out later that we were both involved in 'The Yellow Sea' and 'War on Crime.' When it comes to lead actors, people might think they have influence, but not at all. Casting is the director's exclusive authority, and I cannot infringe upon it or voice my opinion."