Tomorrow (17th) at 10:45 p.m., 'O Eun-young Report – Marriage Hell' will feature a husband who leaves home every day and a wife who, due to that husband, works 12 hours a day to solely manage the household economy. The couple seeks out Dr. O Eun-young. The wife expresses frustration, saying that she does not feel sympathy for her ailing husband, stating, 'I feel annoyed rather than sorry that my husband is sick.' How did the couple end up in a worse state than others?

Early in the morning, the wife starts her day by boiling black goat in a cauldron. To handle an average of 70 to as many as 150 customers a day, she must come out and prepare the ingredients by 6 a.m. While the wife works busily, the husband, despite his discomfort, goes out instead of resting at home. His destination is a lunch meeting with the village chief. Besides the lunch with the chief, the husband travels around the neighborhood all day, visiting places like the senior center and the village hall. He states that he has many responsibilities in the community and cannot rest even when he is in pain. In fact, he has contributed to the establishment of a weekend school for village children and has conducted volunteer activities, such as giving away jajangmyeon and carnations to elderly people living alone, which impresses everyone. However, the wife expresses anger, claiming that her husband was busy going out rather than tending to the restaurant even before falling ill.

The next released footage shows the wife working alone at the restaurant even on the regular day off. Unless there is something special, she faithfully goes to work at the restaurant on her day off. After finishing her work, she calls her son to ask what her husband is doing. The son informs her that the husband went out to change his broken mobile phone. The wife, feeling frustrated about her husband who went out to change a mobile phone that was not long purchased, lets out a deep sigh.

The wife laments that despite the restaurant doing well, they still have no leeway due to her husband's irresponsible spending habits. She even notes that her husband, who was once a credit defaulter, still spends money extravagantly. The husband bought an SUV for a weekend school for village children without consulting her and secretly purchased his personal vehicle through full financing, which shocks the studio.

Moreover, the jajangmyeon volunteering that the husband did cost 10 million won out of pocket for purchasing cooking utensils and ingredients, and those utensils are currently left unattended and cannot be used. Hearing the wife's story, Park Ji-min exclaims, 'An individual is conducting volunteer activities at a corporate level.'

Listening intently to the couple's story, Dr. O Eun-young comments that the husband's ability to engage in volunteer activities with both time and economic freedom was possible because the wife worked all day at the restaurant, asking, 'Did the wife come to this house as a servant?'... What solution will Dr. O Eun-young provide to the couple?

The story of the husband, who is outside the home due to volunteer activities for the local community, and the wife, who is solely responsible for the household economy because of that husband, will be featured in the 114th episode of 'O Eun-young Report – Marriage Hell' airing at 10:45 p.m. on Monday, the 17th.

[Photo] OSEN DB, 'O Eun-young Report – Marriage Hell]