Actor Yoo Yeon-seok has been embroiled in tax evasion allegations, following actress Lee Ha-nee. There have been claims of the largest tax penalty in history, but the possibility that this may not be true has also been raised.

Earlier, on the morning of the 14th, CBS No Cut News reported that the National Tax Service had notified Yoo Yeon-seok that it would impose about 7 billion won in taxes, including income tax, due to a rigorous tax investigation. This amount significantly exceeds the approximately 6 billion won tax evasion allegations concerning actress Lee Ha-nee.

In relation to this, Lee Ha-nee's agency noted, "Lee Ha-nee has sincerely cooperated with the tax investigation conducted by the Seoul Regional Tax Service as part of a corporate business artist irregular integrated tax investigation," and stated, "Lee Ha-nee has faithfully fulfilled her tax obligations. This tax was paid in full due to differing perspectives between tax authorities and tax representatives, and it has nothing to do with intentional tax omissions."

However, the controversy did not subside, and on the same day, the agency reiterated, "The tax investigation conducted last year was part of the 'corporate business artist irregular integrated tax investigation (investigation period of five years),' and we make it clear that no facts of tax evasion or omissions of income declarations were discovered during this investigation process."

On the same day in the afternoon, a representative from actor Yoo Yeon-seok's agency, King Kong by Starship, told OSEN regarding the tax evasion controversy that they are currently verifying the reported contents and organizing a detailed position. Although there have been discussions of the 7 billion won amount exceeding Lee Ha-nee’s, it has been claimed that there is a possibility of it being lowered to about 3 billion won, as Yoo Yeon-seok has applied for a reassessment.

Meanwhile, it is reported that Yoo Yeon-seok underwent a tax investigation during the process of establishing the entertainment agency Forever Entertainment, which he represents. However, he has requested a pre-assessment review as of January, implying that he intends to actively clarify the tax amount imposed.