Comedian YouTuber Eom Eun-hyang satirized the personal life controversy surrounding actor Kim Soo-hyun. The attention is drawn to Kim Soo-hyun, implied to be the target, regarding the allegations that he dated the late actor Kim Sae-ron when she was a minor.
On the 12th, Eom Eun-hyang released content titled "Characteristics of Korean Humor That Are Causing a Ruckus Abroad" on her YouTube channel. In this content, Eom Eun-hyang introduces the "K-humor collection" that only makes sense in Korea while satirizing the controversy related to Kim Soo-hyun.
First, Eom Eun-hyang introduced the "K-humor collection" by stating, "This contains humor that makes Koreans laugh no matter what." She then asked a person (character) without a K-humor collection, "Can I ask what your ideal type is?" To the answer, "My ideal type is a woman with dreams and ambition," she pointed out, "That's really boring."
Next, she asked someone with a K-humor collection about their ideal type, and when the response was "a 20-year-old woman," she laughed and said, "What? That's just saying you like someone your age; isn’t that the same as us? There’s nothing different."
The individual replied, "But, I’m talking about when I’m forty years old," to which she responded, "That’s really funny. So that woman is currently a toddler, right? A kindergarten student," and added, "But remember one thing: it should be used only in Korea."
This content satirizes Kim Soo-hyun, who has recently been embroiled in personal life controversies. The claims that Kim Soo-hyun dated the late Kim Sae-ron from the time she was 15 years old for six years have brought attention to his past comments.
In the past, during the showcase for the movie "Secretly Greatly," Kim Soo-hyun stated, "I want to marry a 21-year-old bride around 41 years old." As allegations emerged that he had been in a relationship with the 12-year-younger Kim Sae-ron since she was a minor, this statement became controversial. It seems that Eom Eun-hyang's satire targeted Kim Soo-hyun in light of these allegations.
Earlier, on the 10th, the YouTube channel Garoseo Research Institute claimed based on information from the late Kim Sae-ron's family that she had been in a relationship with Kim Soo-hyun for six years starting from when she was 15 years old, and they released photos and handwritten letters of 'Bolppoppo.' In response, Kim Soo-hyun’s side stated it was "a clear falsehood" and announced legal action, adding on the 13th that they would clarify the facts and respond to unfounded rumors with clear evidence next week.
[Photo] OSEN DB, captured from Eom Eun-hyang's YouTube.