Broadcaster Han Hye-jin revealed her 'radical rapid' diet process.

On the 13th, a video titled "Did Han Hye-jin gain belly fat? Lingerie photo shoot D-7 top model's belly fat breakthrough journal" was uploaded on the YouTube channel 'Han Hye-jin'.

In the released video, Han Hye-jin said, "The lingerie shoot is coming up. There is one week left, and I'm currently trying to check my body. You might think this is not bad, but if you look down, the king has disappeared," explaining her current physical condition.

She continued, "Originally, the belly button should be straight, but it has become round. With this belly, I can't do the lingerie shoot. I will try to dig up my abs as much as possible in the next week. What should I do?" While stating, "I will focus on reducing the visceral fat area number and try to diet," she revealed her weight loss record over the week.

From the first day, Han Hye-jin conducted running along the Han River, and she embarked on a stormy weight loss journey by replacing her diet with simple foods like eggs, tomatoes, and apples, along with various exercises including gym workouts and hiking.

Having successfully completed the week-long diet, Han Hye-jin showcased her hidden, defined luxury abs on the day of the shoot, drawing admiration.

[Photo] YouTube capture