Broadcaster Kim Dae-ho revealed the reason for declaring himself a freelancer.
On the 6th, a video titled 'The real reason Kim Dae-ho chose freelancing' was released on the YouTube channel 'News Anahani.'
In the video, Kim Dae-ho received a farewell party from his colleagues in the announcer's office. Director General Cha Mi-yeon said, 'I thought it was a blessing to be able to do something like this. He created a path that did not exist before and has done a lot in the announcer's office, living well. I thought that something should come to a definite conclusion, so it might be out of sync with the times, but I hoped we could have a farewell party.'
The farewell party was held two weeks after Kim Dae-ho's departure. Kim Dae-ho said, 'At first, I said I wouldn’t do it. It’s been two weeks since I left. On one hand, I felt grateful. Of course, I will be working in broadcasts, and it’s natural to see each other, but I wondered when we would gather like this again.'
Kim Dae-ho’s colleagues, announcers Kim Cho-rong and Oh Seung-hoon, who joined the company together through 'new hires,' said, 'Kim Dae-ho's dream was always an early retirement. Although retirement hasn’t been realized, going out of the company is a start. This time, we couldn’t hold him back. In the past, we were not equipped, but now, having received rookie awards and excellence awards, it seems that we’re aiming for the big picture of receiving the Daesang.'
At the time of the farewell party, Kim Dae-ho's agency had not been determined. Kim Dae-ho said, 'Right now, I am doing my own thing. Once my agency is determined, I will proceed with everything that has been put on hold.' When announcer Lee Jae-eun asked, 'Don’t you have to film ads when there’s no company to get 100% of it?' Kim Dae-ho replied, 'I’m contemplating what would be good,' revealing that he is in a happy quandary.
In particular, Kim Dae-ho mentioned the excellence award, saying, 'The Daesang is poison.' He added, 'I should receive something that suits my abilities. The excellence award is within my capabilities. I had a home advantage,' eliciting laughter.
Kim Dae-ho commented on his life as a freelancer, saying, 'It’s not so much that it’s comfortable, but it’s not bad. I feel at ease. While I feel a bit anxious when there’s no schedule, I do have some. It feels different from resting on the weekend. There’s no Monday syndrome. At the company, there is the feeling that the week starts, but on days when there is work, I work, and on days when there isn’t, I just relax without thinking.'
Kim Dae-ho also explained the reason for his decision to freelance, stating, 'Money wasn’t a huge reason. I had a personal standard that reduced the liabilities I had at the company. Living alone without a family and now in my 40s, if I don’t make a decision now, it would be difficult to lead a different life. Fortunately, the announcer's office provided a good opportunity, and I also worked hard to create it. Those two major turning points were the reasons for my resignation. The decision to freelance wasn’t difficult. I had no regrets about leaving the announcer's office.'
Meanwhile, Kim Dae-ho resigned from MBC on the 4th. Now a free agent, he signed an exclusive contract with One Hundred. One Hundred is also affiliated with the group The Boyz, as well as artists such as Taemin, Lee Mujin, VIVIZ (Eunha, Sinb, Umji), Bi-o, Ha Sung-woon, Ren, performance director Kasper, Kany, singer-actor Lee Seung-gi, entertainer Lee Soo-geun, and Bad Villain, and is the parent company of INB100, which includes EXO members Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Chen.