ASTORY will embark on discovering and supporting new writers to lead the next generation of K-content.

The comprehensive content studio ASTORY will start recruiting applicants for the '2025 New Writer Debut Program' from April 7 (Monday).

This program is designed to provide emerging writers with practical debut opportunities and assist in enhancing their creative capabilities. Having developed a rich production capacity and a unique sense of content, ASTORY has been showcasing well-made content that has captivated the world, including dramas "Extraordinary Attorney Woo," "Kidnapping Day," "Kingdom," and "Signal."

In particular, the 'New Writer Debut Program,' which has been continuously operated since 2016 for 10 years, has provided new opportunities for novice writers and has served as a gateway. This year, it is also expected to discover creators with fresh ideas and outstanding capabilities, adding a new wave to the content market.

The '2025 New Writer Debut Program' is designed to provide stable training by connecting current writers, directors, and producers with the best drama professionals in the country, supporting the debut of new writers who will lead the next generation of K-content. Recruitment areas include mini-series of eight episodes or more (of any genre), and anyone who is a novice writer without debut experience or has not commercialized a work for more than two years since their debut can apply.

The six selected (teams) will receive various benefits, including ▲ project development support ▲ mentoring from professionals currently active in the field ▲ specialized coverage and consulting support for each project ▲ monthly creative support funds for each project.

Applications for the '2025 New Writer Debut Program' will be accepted from April 7 (Monday) to April 30 (Wednesday) via email, and more details can be found in the announcements on ASTORY's official website.

[Photo] ASTORY