The group B1A4 member Shinwoo successfully completed the musical "God is Watching You."
Shinwoo concluded the last performance of the musical "God is Watching You" on the 3rd, completing an extensive journey lasting about three months.
"God is Watching You" is a work set against the backdrop of the Korean War era, depicting the story of soldiers from North and South Korea drifting to a deserted island.
In the play, Shinwoo took on the role of North Korean soldier Ryu Sun-ho, who falls into a state of panic due to the aftereffects of the war and believes in the goddess. It is noted that he portrayed Ryu Sun-ho's broad emotional changes delicately, enhancing the immersion of the play. In particular, through the musical number "Praying to the Nightmare," he vividly expressed Sun-ho's pain after witnessing his brother's death during the war, leaving a profound impact on the audience.
After successfully finishing the last performance, Shinwoo remarked, "I sincerely thank all the audience members who joined us. I felt a lot of happiness while performing. It's sad to say goodbye to a work I loved so much, and I hope you all felt the same way. I will continue to present my good self through other works in the future."
Having shown stable acting skills in various works such as the musicals "Chess," "The Three Musketeers," "Hamlet," "Gwangju," and the play "Brilliant and Radiant," expectations are growing for Shinwoo's future activities.
[Photo] RBW, provided by WM Entertainment.