Musical actress Kim So-hyun explained the separation of economic rights on “All-Context, All-Inclusive.”

On the 1st, in the MBC entertainment program “All-Context, All-Inclusive,” Kim So-hyun and her husband Son Jun-ho appeared. Son Jun-ho is an extreme saver who wouldn’t even turn on the lights at home.

The manager noted, “Son Jun-ho's saving mentality is no joke. He takes one or two extra meals whenever there's catering when he goes out for schedules.” Kim So-hyun remarked, “We have separated our economic rights. Since I was young, I have enjoyed the process of increasing my savings from zero,” and added, “However, my husband got married at a young age and hasn’t had the pleasure of saving money. So, I separated the economic rights for him to experience that fun.”

Kim So-hyun continued, “I pay for educational expenses and home meal costs. Son Jun-ho covers dining out expenses, taxes, and maintenance fees,” to which Jeon Hyun-moo quipped, “Isn’t that why he’s not allowed to turn on the lights since he pays the maintenance fee?” bringing laughter.

[Photo] Capture from the broadcast of MBC entertainment program “All-Context, All-Inclusive.”