The 'gold spoon' actor Lee Yi-kyung, known as the son of a former corporate executive, makes a surprising confession about having 500 million won in debt.
Today (27th, Thursday), on the tvN STORY program "A Billion Won Breakfast," representative Yoon Mun-hyun of 'Honey Butter Almonds,' which garnered attention for collaborating with global billionaire Mansour, will appear. Yoon is expected to share his success story of building a corporation that generated annual sales of 1.1 trillion won from a debt of 10 billion won through seasoned almonds.
In response, Oh Eun-young expressed concern, saying, "Even if you say there is only 10 million won in debt, it feels very heavy. I worry about how one can overcome this." At that moment, Lee Yi-kyung surprisingly confessed, "I have 500 million won in loans right now. I'm suffocating because of this." This drew attention, and Oh Eun-young asked, "Why do you have 500 million won in debt? Don’t you earn well?" Lee Yi-kyung replied, "You know the term 'fly on dung,' right? I got involved with someone around me, and I made a mistake with my money and ended up with a loan. Just the interest is 200,000 won each month; it's driving me crazy," as he revealed his experience of fraud. Furthermore, he said, "However, when I imagine -10 billion won, I can’t gauge it," piquing curiosity.
Afterward, Dr. Oh Eun-young and actor Lee Yi-kyung visit the home of the second 'billionaire' guest, representative Yoon Mun-hyun, early in the morning. From a supercar collection filling the parking lot to expensive luxury watches, art pieces showcasing Korean beauty, and rare collectibles, the two MCs are mesmerized by the dream house that encapsulates the aspirations of 'super-rich single man' Yoon. Subsequently, Yoon shares his packed daily schedule beginning with waking up at 4:30 a.m. and starting work at 5:30 a.m. He emphasizes the importance of exercise as a driving force behind a healthy and planned lifestyle, revealing that he works out with employees every day as part of his morning routine, drawing attention. In this process, he showcases a surprising aspect akin to a spartan gym instructor toward Dr. Oh Eun-young and Lee Yi-kyung, adding humor as Lee Yi-kyung jokingly states, "If I were an employee, I would want to quit."
Later, Dr. Oh Eun-young and actor Lee Yi-kyung have breakfast with representative Yoon Mun-hyun while also discussing business. They delve into Yoon's story of inheriting his father's business with 10 billion won in debt at the age of 29, the backstory of the creation of 'Honey Butter Flavored Almonds' that changed the paradigm of the nut industry, and how he revived his company which faced another crisis due to COVID-19. Sources say that Yoon’s unique management philosophy and secrets to success captivated the attendees. Dr. Oh Eun-young remarked, "Representative Yoon Mun-hyun is the epitome of self-management," expressing deep empathy for his long-standing efforts and unwavering diligence to achieve his goals. Lee Yi-kyung discovers many commonalities with Yoon, leading to a comfortable conversation throughout the broadcast, which raises curiosity. As two single men, they openly share their worries about the future and have shown a special bond, hinting at an exciting episode ahead.
The tvN STORY program "A Billion Won Breakfast" airs every Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
[Photo] OSEN DB / Capture