The back hug couple pose of Hwang Dong-joo and Lee Young-ja surprised viewers on 'Seeking Long-standing Relationships.'

The KBS 2TV variety show 'Seeking Long-standing Relationships (abbreviated as Omanchu),' which aired on the 23rd, showcased the final selection time. Attention was focused on the final choice of the love line between comedian Lee Young-ja (born Lee Yoo-mi) and actor Hwang Dong-joo, which had drawn interest throughout the broadcast.

Hwang Dong-joo, who chose Lee Young-ja in the final selection as well, prepared a 1:1 date on Nami Island. His devoted choice created a romantic atmosphere.

Their couple mission was to take couple photos. The production team even requested a pose of the woman back hugging while facing each other. The pose conveyed in the drawing startled the two for a moment, but they actively engaged in the mission.

In particular, Hwang Dong-joo was extremely nervous and trembling. Lee Young-ja noted, "I’ve never seen anyone tremble like this, even down to their stomach," which caused laughter. Relieved of the tension with laughter, Hwang Dong-joo, when it came time for the photo shoot, turned to Lee Young-ja, who was back hugging him, and puckered his lips as if to kiss her.

In an interview with the production team, Lee Young-ja said, "Dong-joo does this with his lips. It was cute," while mimicking Hwang Dong-joo, who was pouting his lips. Hwang Dong-joo also expressed joy, saying, "I’m sweating here like crazy," and he laughed heartily.

'Seeking Long-standing Relationships' is a variety show revealing the story of singles in the entertainment world, who believed nothing would happen even if they were stranded on a deserted island.

[Photo] Provided by KBS.